Trip to Navagraha temple temples Navagraha Tour Kumbakkonam Kumbakonam- Part One

Trip to navagraha Navagrah temple temples near Kumbakonam –dosha pariharam rectification of planetary dosha
Please see my photo images above ..they give a good idea on how you can reach..the distance in km and other temples nearby ..please click on the image and use fullbright screen mode on your computer screen to see full details..even the phone nos of temples with std code is there in the image ..after viewing image click back arrow (left handside top of computer screen)
You can also use link below for route planning
Please see my photo images above ..they give a good idea on how you can reach..the distance in km and other temples nearby ..please click on the image and use fullbright screen mode on your computer screen to see full details..even the phone nos of temples with std code is there in the image ..after viewing image click back arrow (left handside top of computer screen)
You can also use link below for route planning
You can write to me on for any clarifications /doubts..i shall try my best to be of use to u so that u have a good dharshan
General tips:
It is Preferable to plan a two day tour. If you can you should visit each of the temples on the weekday at 6.30 am to 7 am meant for it except rahu and ketu..Ketu is better to see on Tuesday during rahu kalam and rahu on Saturday or rahu kalam on any day ..for all other dharshans avoid rahu kalams for the weekday which is given below. If you are covering the navagrahas in one day please go to rahu raghu temple during rahu kalam for the weekday which is given below. Generally all the temples close at 12 pm and reopen at 4 pm. So avoid going to the temples during that time. You can rest have lunch and start moving to the next place. If you have come for navagraha dosha pariharam of a particular planet it is preferable to choose the week day of the planet- refer table below and then do an abhishekam for the can ask the temple offices inside to provide you the cost details generally none exceed is always advisable to enter the buy coconut et all, mala garland (not compulsory if u find it costly u can jus include a small piece of flower with coconut. These are normally sold in front of temple. Many also include grain meant for the planet and a cloth piece in color meant for the planet.. refer my photos above for details…
First step find the Rahu Kalam for the two days that you are going to stay. During those plan visit to ketu and rahu temples.
First from kumbakonam visit Sooryanar koil sun temple at dawn, proceed to Kanjanur venus temple, rahu temple (visit oppiliappan Vishnu temple divya desam and aiyavadi prthayankara temple near by)..afternoon visit alangudi and thingaloor..dinner rest..
Next day go to by 5.30 am leave for Vaitheswaran koil (mars temple), Thiruvenkadu Mercury temple, Keezha perumpallam ketu temple and then proceed to Tirunallar Saturn sani temple
There are many tour operators in kumbakonam and nearly every taxi guy can take you around these places.. it may cost about rs 1800 by taxi and that is the only way you can see all in one day..otherwise for alangudi above and thingaloor you can use a bus..for sooryanar etc you can take an auto at rs 250 for half day..for others you can take a bus.. going to ketu temple aone is little difficult by bus as there is a bit of a rush..
Sunday- is day for planet Sun Surya Soorya Suriya –Rahu kalam is between 4.30 pm to 6 pm-Place to go Sooryanar koil Suryanaar Koil Suriyanar koil
Monday- is day for planet moon Chandra –Rahu kalam is between 7.30 am to 9 am - Place to go Thingalur Tingalur Tingaloor
Tuesday- is day for planet Mars Kuja Mangal Chevvai –Rahu kalam is between 3.00 pm to 4.30 pm - Place to go Vatheeswaran Vaitheeswaran Vaideeswaran koil.
Wednesday- is day for planet Mercury Budhan budha budh –Rahu kalam is between 12.00 pm to 1.30 pm - Place to go Thiruvengadu Thiruvenkadu Tiruvengadu Tiruvenkadu Tiruvenkaadu
Thursday- is day for planet Jupiter Guru Brahaspathi Brahaspati –Rahu kalam is between 1.30 pm to 3.00 pm - Place to go Aalangudi Alangudi
Friday- is day for planet Venus Shukran Sukra Shukra –Rahu kalam is between 10.30 am to 12 pm – Place to go Kanjanoor Kanjanur
Saturday- is day for planet Saturn Sani Shani –Rahu kalam is between 9.00 am to 10.30 am- Place to go Tirunallar Thirunallar (please click on temple and then navagraha temples)
given below is an interesting reading on unknown chennai navagraha temples
given below is an interesting reading on unknown chennai navagraha temples
Now that you have a good understanding
Please proceed to my part II of navagraha tour trip which is my next blog...